When you're rethinking where you sit on the sexuality or gender spectrum, it can be difficult to know where to find all the answers.
So we asked three experts what to do when you're in this situation.
Why it might have taken you a while to start thinking about this
Research suggests that the age people are coming out is generally decreasing.
But Gabe Curtis, an endorsed enrolled nurse at Equinox, a trans and gender diverse health service based in Melbourne, says this isn't the case for everyone.
Plenty of the people he works with question their sexuality, or come out later in life for reasons beyond needing broader social acceptance to feel safe.
"It could be because of age, financial reasons, location, culture or religion," Mr Curtis says.
"Some people who are questioning only come forward once they gain the language to begin to consider something that's innately lived within them this whole time, because they'd been isolated from it having been raised in heteronormative or cisnormative ways that dictated their pathways.
"Others have just never given themselves permission to consider [their gender or sexuality], or they've been in circumstances which have hindered exploration or even the ability to question what could be a possibility."
The good things about questioning later you might not have considered
Jake Peterson, counselling team leader at LGBTQIA+ community-controlled organisation Thorne Harbour Health in Melbourne, knows there are unique challenges that come with processing identity later in life.
Maybe you're in a relationship you worry will be impacted by the fact you're questioning. Perhaps you have children — or you might be concerned that things could change at work or with friends.
But at the same time, he thinks there are benefits to it.
"For some people who've waited, they're perhaps more financially independent and for that reason will often have more privacy," Mr Peterson says.
"This means they can often seek out resources without needing permission."
What you might like to try next
Once you've come to terms with the fact you are questioning, the experts recommend starting with some research on what being part of the LGBTQIA+ community is like.
That could look like watching films and TV shows with queer storylines and thinking about how they make you feel — though Mr Curtis warns mainstream content can be overdramatised.
"Often a family's crumbling because someone's questioning or someone's in a hospital bed," he says.
He wouldn't recommend believing everything you read on the internet (where anyone can shout into the void) either.
"But do still spend time looking online for queer stories," Mr Curtis continues.
"There are so many heartwarming ones out there that show what it means to be a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and that questioning is an innate part of the journey."
Consider who you'd like to have 'come in'
From there, Mr Peterson suggests talking about your sexuality or gender out loud with another person.
"That can be scary for people in the beginning," he says.
"Sometimes the work I do in my practice is getting people to think about 'coming in' rather than 'coming out'.
"So, think about who you'd like to come in and invite into your precious life, rather than having the burden placed on you to come out.
"To do this [exploration] work, especially after years of repression, people have to feel safe. And that's why I'd recommend talking with an affirming friend, a mental health professional or someone else who is impartial or non-judgmental early on."
"A lot of people look to speak to their GP about these kinds of things. If you do that, remember that it's OK to get second opinions," Mr Curtis adds.
And Russ Gluyas, who runs a health and social connection project for the 60+ queer community with NSW-based LGBTQIA+ health organisation ACON, recommends connecting with local or online queer organisations for social and emotional support.
Peer support groups are a great option for affirming and safe chats too.
"Your family moving forward might not necessarily be your biological family, but you will always have chosen family, and that's a wonderful thing," Mr Gluyas says.
It's OK to take your time
Tried all these things and still don't have the answer you felt like you wanted to get out of the whole questioning process yet?
Mr Gluyas, Mr Curtis and Mr Peterson say it's OK to hit pause.
You don't suddenly have to tell everyone you're queer or identify as anything.
"Gender and sexuality are fluid — they ebb and flow — and that's what's beautiful about them," Mr Curtis says.
"Questioning is about being who you authentically feel like you are and moving forward in self-compassionate ways to achieve that," Mr Gluyas says.
"Be kind to yourself throughout your journey. Let go of any guilt you might feel; it might have taken you a while, but you're on a new path now. And that path can be full of laughter and joy and happiness, and it can take time."
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