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Lessons from a relationship expert to help navigate online dating

A man with a short beard talks to another man across a table, seen over his shoulder, a notepad and pen between them
Dating is a vulnerable game. But counsellor and psychotherapist Elan Zavelsky has some advice to help you look after yourself while you do it. ()

I am not a dating coach. I don't typically offer advice or share my opinions on how to date.

So, when the producers from ABC's newest dating show, Better Date than Never, asked me on as a coach, I was initially hesitant.

You see, as a therapist, I support people to arrive at their own conclusions and make their own choices about how to live their lives — with a nudge from psychological science.

But to my surprise, this was just the kind of approach they wanted to support first-time daters. I said yes.


Here are a few lessons shaped by my experience in the therapist's chair, and by the incredible clients who have invited me into their world.

It's hard to feel like "enough" on the apps

In an increasingly digital world, the serendipity of meeting an intimate partner out and about can feel impossible. As a result, most of us bite the bullet and join one of the plethora of dating sites or apps.

Many of us are so focused on predicting the desires of another – attempting to tailor ourselves to the shape of our date's wants and whims – that we completely lose sight of all we bring to the table.

A man and woman stand under a big tree. The man is wearing dark colours and a hat, the woman is in a pink shirt and glasses.
The show Better Date Than Never helps people like Olivia get the confidence to go on their very first dates.()

Much of this focus arises from the wobbly parts of our self-concept: "am I [insert vulnerability here] enough?"

And for clients who used to date as cisgendered or heterosexual and now don't (as we saw on Better Date Than Never), this can come as an even greater challenge.

It's hard enough to step into the dating space as our true selves, let alone when we've spent a lifetime masking who we are.

We struggle to capture our complex identities online

In his TED talk, Love, no matter what, the American writer Andrew Solomon shares a concept I have used many times within the therapy room: vertical and horizontal identity.

He describes vertical identity as the elements "passed down generationally from parent to child … like ethnicity, frequently nationality, language, often religion".

Horizontal identities, however, are learned through peer encounter, as they are often alien to parents who have no lived experience of such things.

These aspects of ourselves, Solomon importantly stresses, are those which "people have always tried to cure".

As a young person I kept my sexuality secret; a way of feeling safe. So, the first time I heard these words, they pierced me. They took me back to the relentless refrain of my own childhood: "I'll never say anything, no one will ever know."

This sentiment echoes across what I see in my clients: the challenge of accepting and integrating exiled parts of their identities. These parts have been suppressed and repressed by fear and shame – their own, and that of the world around them.

So, having spent a lifetime pretending to be what we're not, how on earth are we meant to choose something as seemingly simple as a profile pic?

The questions I hear over and over

Which apps should I download?
How should I set up my profile?
What should I write about myself, if anything?
How many photos should I use and what should they capture?
How quickly should I respond to a message or match?
Should I message them if they're the one that matched with me?

I've heard this list, and many similar, time and time again. And it's impossible to find answers while the "should" is behind the wheel.

This insidious little word carries a ridiculous amount of power over how we traverse the vastness of modern dating. And I believe it's time to take a stand.

Two men sit on either side of a table in a small kitchen and talk, and notepad and pen in between them.
Elan wants to help support people like Charles to arrive at their own conclusions and make their own choices about dating.()

I had a teacher years ago that, on hearing the use of the word "should", would immediately ask, "Who are you quoting?"

The word "should" reveals how we measure ourselves against another's truth, as opposed to our own.

Endless are the ways family, friends, education, politics, religion and media shape the beliefs within us. Yet how often do we pause to reflect on these guiding forces and question if they still serve us?

How do we untether ourselves from these slippery little "shoulds"? Especially when we are in the tender space of stepping out of shadow to let the world see us, perhaps for the first time ever.

Remember to include yourself

Dating is a vulnerable game. It has to be, if we want to reap the rewards. And yet such emotional exposure can send us into a tailspin of scarcity, shame and self-doubt.

So, when a panicked onslaught of "shoulds" rise to the surface, or we're stuck in a loop of "am I […] enough?", remember to include yourself in the conversation.

Take a moment, breathe and turn your attention back to asking, "What do I want?"

And whether the answer is to call it a night, invite someone back to yours or schedule round two, listen to the want bubbling away inside you and dare to find the courage to honour what you've heard.

That would make this non-dating coach proud.

Better Date Than Never is now on iview. Elan Zavelsky is a counsellor and psychotherapist in Brisbane.

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