Hating capitalism isn't just a left-wing project anymore.
Even in 2018, 59 per cent of Australian Millennials believed that capitalism had failed.
Since then the mood has only darkened, with vitriol for landlords, Nepo Babies and Depop resellers who flip secondhand clothes for a profit, rife on social media.
Under-40s are abandoning the centre in record numbers, but not everyone is lurching left.
The multiverse of Gen Z political identities on the Internet has rendered the left-right spectrum obsolete.
Meanwhile, Millennials are in the process of becoming the first generation in modern history not to drift to the centre-right as they age.
So how did we get here, and if the better part of two generations has lost faith in capitalism, then what happens next?
Dr Elizabeth Humphreys, political economist, University of Technology Sydney
Joshua Citarella, Internet culture researcher