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Dr Kate Luckins was a bona fide 'eco-warrior'. Then she had kids.

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Kate Luckins
Kate Luckins believes the feeling of connection to community and planet that sustainable living brings is the biggest motivator  (Supplied: Kate Luckins)

Dr Kate Luckins was an in-demand sustainability commentator with stellar green credentials. But, a decade after having her first kid, she found herself exhausted, 'eco-guilty' and staring at an electricity bill double the average household.

What Kate missed most was the joy of sustainable living. She realised there is a way to "do green" that doesn’t just help the planet, but also brings mental relief, joy and cost savings.


Dr Kate Luckins, founder of global clothes swapping movement and author of Live More With Less: a practical, evidence-based and guilt-free guide to upgrading your life without costing the Earth


Sustainable Living, Lifestyle and Leisure, Environmental Impact
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