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How to help your child make friends in school

Two school girls sit looking at books in a story about how to help your child make friends in school.
Fostering shared interests in school and through extra curricular activities helps children make friends.()

Navigating a new school and making new friends can be a daunting experience for any young child and their parents — and the transition is not always easy.

For children starting kindergarten aged four, five or six, friendships are often formed based on who is physically closest to them in the school yard or classroom.

As they grow older, friendships slowly become more reciprocal.

While finding friends can happen naturally and with ease for some children, there are things parents and schools can do to help facilitate these relationships if a child is finding the process difficult.

1. Check in with them

"It's important to try and let children make friends themselves," says Natasha Wardman, lecturer in Education Studies at the Australian Catholic University.

"And sometimes that means their invitation or request to play might be accepted or sometimes it might be rejected — and that's very much like life.

"But if they are really struggling, it's important they trust their parents enough to have those open discussion, and if you're picking up on any of those signs that you're child is struggling to fit in or their wellbeing is being compromised, checking in with them and their teacher to find out what's going on is an important first step."

2. Guide their communication skills

Teaching children key interpersonal skills is the first step to setting your child up for making friends.

Skills include:

  • Teaching your kids to express their opinions in constructive ways rather than negative ways, or in ways that will get people offside.
  • Respecting difference.
  • Active listening skills.
  • Caring about the feelings of others.

This is how a conversation about making friends might look in practice, suggests Dr Wardman:

"Sometimes it's tricky making friends — especially if you're starting at a new school. I can remember a time when it took a while for me to make some friends (explain the situation further). What worked for me was … What do you think might help?"

This advice could help a child approach a new person in the school yard:

"Maybe you could ask to join in with the game they are playing? Maybe you could find something that you have in common with the other kids (for example, toys, sport, hobbies) and start talking to them about that? For example, 'I like your basketball — how long have you been playing?' It's also important to listen carefully to what the other kid is saying so they feel comfortable talking to you."

"I think sometimes people forget to tell their kids that it's OK not to like someone and that not everyone will like you. As long as you treat everyone with respect the friendships will naturally follow." — Nic, ABC Radio Sydney listener

3. Foster friendships away from school

As a parent, creating opportunities for friendships and for practising communication skills is also important, Dr Wardman says.

"For parents of early childhood and primary aged children, it's really key that they get to know other parents so they can help facilitate their child attending things like birthday parties and play dates, or other extra curricular activities like sport.

"So they are creating opportunities rather than hand-picking or selecting the friends for their child."

Sydney-based child psychologist Kimberley O'Brien agrees that broadening a child's social network leads to positive outcomes.

"There is definitely research that indicates when children have friendships outside of school, they have higher self-esteem and are more able to cope with peer relationship difficulties in school," Dr O'Brien says.

"[If the child is having trouble making friends] the child will know 'it's not me, because I have other friends outside of school'.

"Otherwise they might think 'what's wrong with me', and that impacts on their self-esteem.

"It's good to have friendships in all different places."

"I didn't fit in early in primary school. I was into outdoorsy things rather than the Barbies the other girls played with. I became withdrawn. School counsellor got involved, but apparently couldn't help figure me out. My parents moved me to another school." — ABC Radio Sydney listener

Should you try to sort things out for kids?

Dr O'Brien says it's important to give children the space to socialise "at their own pace".

But she advises parents to look out for signs that indicate they might need to consider taking the matter further, if the child is on board with that.

"If it sounds like the young person has asked for help and is not getting it, like 'I told my teacher and she didn't do anything', or 'I hate my new school, I want to go back to my old school' — that's when the teacher and parent need to communicate."

Dr O'Brien suggests that parents do not confront other parents about what has happened socially during school hours, but to let the teacher know confidentially about what is happening.

"My son was struggling with the double whammy of new school and new country and made no friends. It was the principal who teamed him up with another kid in similar circles and it worked a treat — still friends 25 years later." — Deb, ABC Radio Sydney listener

What can you ask your school to do?

There are many things that teachers and schools can do to support students in making friends.

Dr Wardman says it might be worth asking them if they are doing or can implement any of the following:

  • 'Getting to know you' activities at the start of the year/term.
  • Randomly grouping students for learning activities from time to time.
  • Buddy programs for new students where they are paired with a responsible peer who can help them to settle in.
  • Explicitly teaching social skills and values to all students, such as being inclusive, being a good listener, being empathetic, and being respectful of differences.
  • Making sure there is time provided for children to discuss friendship issues in a 'safe space', whether that be as a whole class or one on one with the teacher.
  • Encouraging students to participate in playground or lunchtime activities (for example, sport, chess, band, Garden Club).

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