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With Allegri's 'Miserere' begins the soulful and intimate music of reflection for the penitent season of Lent.
Published: Program: For The God Who Sings
An Indigenous theological revolution
Hundreds of people — including pastors, activists, ministry workers and theologians — have gathered from every corner of this land we now call Australia.
Published: Program: Soul Search
Pornography and free speech
The global pornography industry is getting bigger, more mainstream and more nasty - but does this mean it should be regulated? Many feminist philosophers would say yes - but this places them at odds with liberal defenders of pornography, who worry…
Published: Program: Philosopher's Zone
Indonesia's religious vote, anti-Zionism vs. anti-Semitism, and the Christian college backing Trump
How important was religion in Indonesia's recent election? Whend does anti-Zionism become anti-Semitism? Plus, the small Christian college backing Trump.
Published: Program: The Religion and Ethics Report
What does it mean to be clean?
Cleansing rituals are a part of every major religion – from baptisms to Islamic Wudu, to bathing in sacred rivers. Where do these rituals come from and what do they mean to the faithful?
Published: Program: God Forbid