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Science & Environment
The Science Show
The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.
Dr Karl
Dr Karl's science hour on triple j is the station’s longest running segment, loved as much today as it ever has been.
Science Friction
Science meets culture, meets everything else you want to know about. Feel the heat.
Great Moments In Science
From the ground breaking and life saving to the wacky and implausible, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki reveals some of the best moments in science.
Download This Show
Download This Show is your weekly guide to the world of media, culture, and technology — social media to gadgets, streaming services to privacy issues.
What The Duck?!
The show with a mission to explore the mysteries of nature - especially the ones that make you go What the Duck?!
All In The Mind
All in the Mind is RN’s weekly exploration of all things mental—a program about the mind, brain and behaviour, and the endlessly fascinating interactions between them.
RN Presents
RN Presents is the home of great storytelling that helps you better understand what’s going on in the world.
Ockham's Razor
A soap box for all things scientific, with short talks about research, industry and policy from people with something thoughtful to say about science.
The Pop Test
What is love? Who invented dinosaurs? How did life begin? What's the best lighting system for a football game played by snakes? Science asks big questions but only The Pop Test answers them in a comedy quiz format.
Sum Of All Parts
Stories from the world of numbers.
Cosmic Vertigo
Welcome to a head-spinning conversation between two friends who study the sky for a living.
Nature Track
Nature Track is a podcast that opens a window on the beautiful sounds of the Australian wilderness.
Off Track
Off Track, with Ann Jones, is an Australian radio show and podcast which combines the relaxing sounds of nature with awesome stories of wildlife and environmental science, all recorded in the outdoors.
Science Vs
Everyone has an opinion but then, there's SCIENCE.
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