There's a certain desperation to the search for an ADHD psychiatrist in 2023.
Existing patients run out of meds waiting for an appointment, while would-be patients are hung up on and quoted as much as $3000 for an assessment.
Interest in ADHD has exploded in recent years, driving the demand for specialists to new highs and triggering an access crisis.
The only people who seem to be benefiting from the shortage are the psychiatrists who've started earning as much as $900,000 a year.
This episode of Schmeitgeist is the unexpected conclusion to what began as a deep dive into ADHD internet subcultures.
In part 2 of our investigation into the ADHD wave, we look at the new breed of clinic that's emerged to meet it.
Are the patients paying the most getting the right care? And what happens if you can't afford the new fees?
Anita Wall, ADHD patient
Christopher Ouizeman, ADHD Foundation
Professor David Castle, University of Tasmania
Dr Dianne Grocott, psychiatrist and ADHD specialist